Saturday, August 2, 2014

When plastic surgery and Laser is not an option to erase scars

 A few years ago, my younger sister had a motorcycle accident that caused her permanent injuries to her face and body.  It was a very traumatic time for my family because she was very young and very beautiful. At the time, we did not know if she would live and how she would react when she realized she had so many injuries. A partially amputated arm, a dislocated knee, multiple broken ribs, multiple broken vertebrae, a broken jaw, broken jugular vein, along with multiple other wounds. She was in physical therapy for a long period of time. Plastic surgery or Laser therapy was not an option for a poor family like ours.  One day, she surprised us all by displaying herself to the whole family, all dressed up with Makeup.  What was amazing is that her makeup was special and you could not see any of her scars.  I remained speechless because it looked like she never even had the accident, you couldn't see any scars at all!  She had bought a professional makeup called Dermablend, Super easy to use.  The colors are very natural, the loose powder conforms to your skin color it also comes in translucent color. If you have dark circles under the eyes, they also have an eye corrector.  It's amazing to go out and let people see you without them seeing your scars and having to explain to every person who stares at you what happened.  What she went through at the time of the crash was much deeper than the physical appearance.  She was able to overcome her personal struggle between life and death.  It is hard to be in a hospital at such a young age and in the midst of an unpredictable diagnosis to hear the voice of God.  Today, my sister is disabled from her accident, but her disability does not define her.  She gets up every day cover her wounds and gives a smile to the world like a normal person. No one notice what she went through. There is hundreds of people with birth marks, burn marks, surgery scars, vitiligo and other skin problems that cause them to feel uncomfortable with the appearance of their skin.  Dermablend is being helping to cover those skin imperfections. My sister beauty as a human being is bigger than the scars on her body.  Life took away things from a physical aspect, but gave her a lot of strength to live.  I thank God because I have my sister with me for many more years to come. She is an excellent woman and my best friend, she is my sister Ivette.

Dermablend has been in our family  ever since that day. I  use it even though I have no scars on my face, but I do have very dark circles under my eyes.  Another benefit of Dermablend is NO RETOUCH!  It does not leave a sweaty, shiny, glossy look on your face, no matter what situation or environment you're in.  If you don't believe me believe me, this is a picture of me in the desert in the middle of Iraq. What?! Yes, it was in regulation.  I can imagine the load of comments on this blog... but Divas will be Divas and Haters will be Haters, no matter what.  I woke up in the morning, took a shower and put my Dermablend with the translucent powder, chap-stick and went to work.  It didn't take me 2 minutes to do it.  This kind of make up will resist rain, sand storms, sweat, extreme heat (I went to Iraq, Qatar, Kuwait for a year and half) and you can run a marathon if you want with this on and it will  not fade.  The is a downside to  Dermablend and I'm going to pause here so you can pay attention to this because it is important.  This product is amazing, the same way I say it is amazing because it lasts a long time on your face without needing to be retouched and it wont come off.  When something doesn't come off by itself, you have to wash it off really good.  EVERY DAY!!  I have used this product almost daily for more than 13 years, and the only time I had a break out was the first time I used it and didn't know how to properly wash it off.  Once I learned, I never had this problem again.  If I'm not going anywhere, I don't wear it.  I use my cleansing products, and I scrub my face regularly.

For the last 30 years Dermablend have been described as the best product by the medical community and professional makeup artists for its high performance wear and coverage. Dermablend also has some products specialized for the body if you are interested in their products, click here to check them out.  Here are some other videos that are awesome to get some more information.  They allow you to see on camera how these products work and that I'm not exaggerating when I say they  change people's life.

Cheri's Camo

Dermablend Tattoo Cover

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