Tuesday, September 2, 2014

What people don't understand about pictures over the internet. From a photographer/ makeup artist perspective.

As technological as we have become we still struggling with people who deliver counterfeit work.  It is sad. Everyone know it. Lack of creativity, lack of knowledge many reasons can be the underlying fact behind the use of copyright work.  Even if it is not copyright work. If it was not done by you. It is not yours.  I know there is a humongous group of people who believe that if you don't have a copyright logo on something it is public domain. Recently I was looking on the internet and I visit this page on facebook called ... 

Maquillaje paso a paso (makeup step by step)   it was interesting for me because as a makeup artist and a photographer I spend many years not taking pictures of my own work. So I went there and notice they have 6,964,952 likes  which is impressive for a makeup tutorial page.  But I did like to see how they took the pictures of their makeup to make their tutorials. When I start noticing some of the pictures I have seen them before. In the pages of other serious makeup artist. This is terrible because even if you report this Facebook aint going to do nothing about it.

When you click on the tutorials it opens to their website which is a website based on pictures taken from the internet. /http://fotos.soymoda.net/  Some of the pictures are from other people blogs. Some have the credit on it because the picture have the watermark name on it.  Some other doesn't.  They are receiving millions of clicks on sales from advertisements, people and clicks.  Some people would say this is like pinterest.  No is not.  Pinterest is a depository of images.  People only make archives of the images they like.  They just have folders with images.  Is not the same to have a site to make folders with pictures that you like than write blogs with advertisements using pictures that have copy right. Go to this link and tell me if I am right or wrong? http://fotos.soymoda.net/paso-a-paso-para-alargar-y-darle-volumen-a-las-pestanas/

This is only one example. God know how many websites are out there doing this. It is really irritating how they can take the work of someone for granted. Mine included.  Some of the pictures of a tutorial I did for the page http:lovethediva.com were used in that website.  It is insulting that my name is not even remotely mention.  Is not about money. Is about integrity.  From now on I watermark my work. Big lesson to learn. 

Copyright is an automatic right and does not require the author to file special paperwork, as is the case for trademark and patent. Registration is required to enforce the rights, but as a matter of right, an author is not required to register anything to get the right to use the “circle c,” showing the work is copyrighted. As soon as you type words, click the shutter on your camera (or, for many of you, hit the home button on your iPhone), apply paint to canvas or paper or lay down tracks for your next hit, you’ve got a copyright.

Stock photo services: Is a  depository of pictures licensed for specific uses. They can be purchased and delivered online. The pictures are professional pictures taken by professional photographers in studio using models or people posing as different stereotyped characters.  You pay a small fee and use the pictures depending of contracted copy righted material. 

Creative commons licenses: A good example of this is https://www.flickr.com. Is a site where people who have copyrights of their pictures share their pictures to get more exposure and you don't have to pay them for their pictures. But you do have to obey the rules they post in the site in order to use their work. If you get caught using their work out of those rules you can be legally sued.  The rules are as simple as... 

  • Place the name of the photographer under the picture once you use the picture. (fair enough don't you think) Specially if you know is someone who is doing the job. This is called Attribution.  
  •  You can share the picture with some changes with the authorization of the author. This is called Share-Alike. He took the picture. You are going to use. Don't change it unless the author know about it! You don't like something... Guess what. Look for another picture or another photographer. 
  • Don't use my picture if you are going to make money out of it. This is called NON COMMERCIAL this include and is not limited to bloggers who are paid for people who click like in their website. Bloggers who have advertisements in their page and the picture is going to be showing up next to those advertisements.  Bloggers who write and add as part of the blog words that link to an advertisement in which they get paid. If your blog is already commercialized you cannot use this kind of pictures unless the author have agree to it.  Send them an email. Tell them how many people see your page and how much exposure they will have. But do not use copyright work without the proper authorization. 
  • Do not edit the photograph by all means. No crops or photoshop. Use the work as it is. This is called No derivative work. 
  • From this categories you can mix them and match them. You can create a Share-Alike/Non Commercial.  Attribution/Non Commercial.  No Commercial/ No derivate Work... etc The options are many depending on what kind of control and limitations you want to set in your pictures once they are shared. 


  • Stock photo services require you to pay for a license
  • Creative commons licenses confer the right to use an image under certain circumstances
  • Public domain images are not subject to copyright in the first place.
So in what moment a person can just copy a photo and use for a blog, news or anything just because it is in the net? NEVER.  

Friday, August 29, 2014

Pink makeup tutorial

The pink makeup is a very simple and easy to do tutorial. We mix products and textures. From powder shadows to cream shadows. It is ok to use them both. But you must be careful where to use them. Because cream shadow can be incompatible with the powder shadow depending on the brand. 

We start the shadow area with a light pink eye shadow from a palette from the company ELF.  We apply it starting at the middle of the eye. 

Then we select a earth tone beige from the same ELF palette to paint the arch of the eyebrow and the edge of the eye close to the nose. 

Afterwards we select a deep cream eye shadow (this is the first cream eyeshadow we are using) it is reach in emollients and irridescent. 

The second cream color is from Mark and is a deep brown. We are going to blend them at the outside of the eyes creating a V shape. This will create the appearance of bigger eyes and will make the pink color turn more metallic. 

We place fake eye lashes. But to give a natural look we use the very think ones. 

Black eye liner at the edge of the eye lashes on top and bottom of the eyes and eyebrow were defined with dark brown eyeliner. 

Voluminous mascara from L'Oreal was applied on top and bottom of the lashes. 

White eye liner on the inside of the eye. 

This is the final product. 

Let me know if you like it. Do you have any questions. I hope you like this tutorial. Give us your opinion about it.  Thanks Joyce. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tutorial paso a paso de como maquillarse los ojos con colores metálicos para el dia.

 Hay muchas personas que piensan que los colores metálicos son solo para la noche. Pero usted puede utilizarlos durante el dia si estos son matizados y difuminados correctamente. Aquí le vamos a enseñar como hacer este look con colores metálicos.

Primero aplicamos nuestra base y corrector. Luego de este paso utilizamos un producto llamado Color Shadow Control Creme de la compañía Beauty Control este producto se aplica en el párpado superior antes de aplicar la sombra. El mismo deja el párpado con la textura de seda y hace que la sombra corra suavemente. No se empelota ni cambia el color de tu sombra. No es un primer.  Yo lo uso mucho ya que permite que puedas difuminar los colores de las sombras facilmente. Las sombras de adhieren a tu ojo facilmente sin tener que aplicar grandes cantidades de sombra. El tubo es pequeño pero la cantidad que te tienes que poner tambien es pequeña.  Un tubo te puede durar meses. Con aproximadamente una gotita del tamaño de la punta de un fósforo cubres ambos ojos. 

Para crear el look con los colores metálicos utilizamos la paleta de colores de L'Oreal  240 Treasured Bronze.  Consigalo presionando aqui

La paleta de colores de Treasured Bronze tiene diferentes colores metálicos en ella. Utilice el  color mas clarito para el delinear el arco de las cejas. Esto hace que las cejas luzcan más altas y oscuras. Con ese mismo color se rellena el área del párpado movil hasta el pliegue del ojo. 

Luego con el color cobre se rellena la parte del párpado fijo y el pliegue del ojo. Recuerda difuminar con la brocha y no extenderse más allá de la esquina de la ceja.  

Con el color bronze vas a crear un arco en forma de uve con una brocha plana desde la punta de la V externa del ojo hasta el pliegue del ojo y una vez estés en el pliegue dibujas del dobles del ojo.  Se supone que se vea de esta manera. 

Si ves el diagrama la regla es que la sombra no se extienda de la línea amarilla. La línea amarilla representa una linea imaginaria entre la V externa del ojo y la esquina de las cejas. La linea roja es una línea imaginaria representando la V que dibujamos con la brocha plana. Dependiendo de cuan pequeño es el ojo la V puede ser mas alta como es el ejemplo en la fotografía. Si es un maquillaje de noche la V puede llegar hasta la mitad del parpado fijo. Para una persona con un ojo grande la V debe ser exactamente donde esta el pliegue del ojo. Este maquillaje es un maquillaje de dia sin photoshop. Por esta razón la V la hacemos pequeña para que no sea tan llamativa.

Con una brocha espesa difuminas la V que habías dibujado para que esta se mezcle con el color que ya tenías.  Las cejas se marcaron con el lápiz Brow Stylist Sculptor de L'oreal.  Tome en consideración el color de su cabello a la hora de escoger el color de su lápiz de cejas. Mis cejas son negras pero mi cabello esta teñido de marrón rojizo por lo tanto el color del lápiz de cejas debe ser uno que esté de acuerdo con el color de cabello.

 El lápiz de cejas de L'Oreal tiene el beneficio que trae el cepillo para peinar las cejas, y al otro lado del lápiz trae un lápiz blanco para delinear el arco de la ceja. En este caso no utilizamos esta parte del delineador pues creamos este efecto con la sombra clara de la paleta de sombras. Para conseguir este producto presione aquí.

Para hacer la línea de el delineador se utilizó el delineador líquido de L'Oreal Lineur Intense Brush Tip en color negro. 

Se delineo el ojo por la parte de afuera con el delineador líquido bien cerca de las pestañas.  Para conseguir este producto presione aquí.  Se delinearon las pestañas de abajo con la sombra clarita.

Para las pestañas se utilizó la mascara Voluminous de L'Oreal en color negro. Para conseguir este producto presione aquí.

Aqui esta el resultado final. Deja un comentario si le gusto este blog o si tienes alguna pregunta. El video de como se hace lo vamos a subir a la página ya pronto. Próximamente vamos a hacer un tutorial de como utilizar los colores metálicos para la noche. Ninguna de las fotos a sido retocada con photoshop. Los colores son tal y como se ven.  La paleta de colores pueden ser mas oscuros si aplica mas sombras a su gusto.  Hasta luego.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Best shoe style for petite women

There is many petite models who have great careers! Don't get discouraged because of your size. The most important things in the modeling industry is your looks and exclusivity.  If you really think you can do it... Go for it!   Based on the fashion industry petite is someone 5'5" and under.   In United States 70% of womens are petite.  The average height is 5'3".

Here are five petite famous models who have made it big is all about motivation and hard work:

Victoria Beckham  model, singer and entrepreneur 5'4"

Pre-SS14 Accessories launch at Selfridges London. Victoria Beckham

Kim Kardashian 5'2"

Photograph By Toglenn

 Sarah Jessica Parker actress  5'3"

Sarah Jessica Parker in Versace @ Sex and the City Movie Premiere in Berlin

Devon Aoki  top model 5'4"

Photography by Alessandro Lemos
Eva Longoria  Actress, model and entrepreneur 5'2"

Photography by BKL National Council of La Raza

When you are a petite girl anything you wear will downsize your height including your shoes.  In a world where fashion is made for people who are 5"7 or taller petite womens have a big challenge when is time to dress up. Here some ideas on how you can add some extension to your legs.
Remember you always want to create continuity and a visual length so you must avoid to cut your body in chunks. Here are your favorable styles.  This styles will make your legs look longer with any outfit.  So go ahead stock up your closet with this styles and rock them up like a pro.  You can mix and match them and they would look fabulous on you.

The Pointed Toe Shoe
Pointed toe shoe  add you an inch or two in height.  Creating the effect of longer legs.  Match them with your skirt so visually they do the effect you are expecting.  If you wear them with slacks try to match the color of the slacks with the shoes.

Carra - Dk Red Patent
Ivanka Trump

The Strappy Shoes
Is one of the most favorable shoes for petite women.  Specially the ones who have few thin straps. It would make your legs look long and slender.

picture from ali stores at aliexpress.com

The Clear Cuts
This type of style can be like this one from Christian Louboutin that the shoe is completely clear and the details are the only ones that show up or part of the shoe is clear and the other part is in any other material.  Louboutin is one of the famous designers who use this style a lot.  The clear cuts are very elegant when they are used correctly.

Collected by Fan Jiang

Louboutin Collection

The Platforms 
A great way to add height on your legs is to pick platforms.  Make sure the heel is as wide as the top part of the shoe if the bottom part is a different color a darker color at the bottom is the best option. Unless like this example, the difference is very slight. Skinny stilettos are the best ones to make your legs looks slender.

Palmarol - Bone

The Wedge 
Wedges will add height and they are gorgeous.  A great way to cover up the height of the wedge is to pick styles like this one.  This style cover the front of the platform as part of the front design on the shoe.  Making you look taller and not giving away the extra height given by the wedge.

Tara - Light Grey
Luxury Rebel

D'orsay Pumps
This is a very sexy style for any women.  D'orsay shoes are the ones where the sides are missing and the front of the shoe is very close to the toe lines making the arch of the foot completely exposed.  Because of the missing part on the sides it create a visual effect of a longer feet and legs.

Jessa Signature by Shoedazzle

Mules are the type of shoe where the back of the shoe is missing.  Try to pic the ones who have a single color.  A good example is this one from Guess footwear they mix styles, like a pointed toe heel and a mule in a single shoe.

Vandan - White Leather
Guess Footwear

The Maybe Gallery:

 Just be careful how you use them and what you match them with.

Stay away from gladiator shoes. They will make you look smaller than what you are. Here is how a Gladiator sandal look like.  Unless  they are gladiator high heels and they don't go over half of your calf.  Use them with a mini skirt or shorts and you would look like a diva.

Nefertiti - Nude Cow Suede Mia Limited Edition

Clogs are the type of shoes that have wood soles and leather top.  They are heavy and rustic.  If you like this style you must select one who doesn't have the typical heavy sole. A way to create this is to select styles like this one who is a little bit sleek.

Darcie - Black
Flogg from chinese laundry

Avoid any heavy wide designs over the foot because that will create a lot of distraction towards your feets and shorten the length of your legs. If you like them a lot (because they are gorgeous) you must wear them with skirts that go over the knees (mini skirts)


The platforms
Even that platforms are good for petite women not all platforms are beneficial.  You dont want to over do it and look like a tiny person in a huge brick.  Careful with thick platforms that are too heavy and have layers they will make your feets look too heavy and your legs shorter than what they really are.

Sundae - Black Leather
ZiGi Girl

Fia - Neon Orange

Let us know which style you like the most